Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Influence of Social Networking in Today’s Society ...

It is no understatement that social networking has enormously influenced and changed today’s society. Relationships, both social and in the workplace have been re-defined and shaped so much so, that individuals can even share their everyday life with whomever they please with the simple click of a button. If social networking if performed correctly, is greatly productive in helping an individual and/or business grow and become successful. It is about a configuration of individuals, brought together often by interpersonal means, such as friendship, common interests, or ideas (Coyle, C. L. amp; Vaughn, H. 2008). It can build strong foundations for relationships and create unity amongst people, which in turn lessens the workload due to an†¦show more content†¦As Young quotes, â€Å"in the internet, no one knows youre an introvert.† This form of escapism can be very damaging, not to just one-on-one relationships, but also causes rifts in families, affecting their d ynamics. As the number of users of social networking sites increase, so too do the number of risks associated with them. Teens and young- adults, who are the most vulnerable to these sites are sharing in-depth personal information with their â€Å"promiscuous friends†, being strangers they have chosen to accept and share with, (Watson, S. T. 2008) as well as categorised friends. Research showed teens rated their friends in terms of intimacy, which is so far from the notion of grading them into the two groups of ‘public’ and ‘private’ (Livingstone, S. 2008). Evidence like this shows today’s society are losing sense of relationships but seem to be too distracted living in their virtual world, only isolating themselves further. Instead of old-fashioned communication and intimacy between two individuals who already know each other to a degree, a large number of people are choosing to have these very public relationships solely based on what an individual is perceived as due to the information on their profile. A study in Boston showed individuals who watch Reality TV shows and use social networking sites are more likely to share their personal information, even pictures with people they have listed as friends and an alarming number whom which they have never metShow MoreRelatedIs Technology Always Beneficial?1561 Words   |  7 Pagesthis improper use of slang show us? The younger generation of today is known as the New Boomers (Carlson, 2008) beginning with people born in the early 1980’s and ending with people born in the early 2000’s. 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